Kiriko Kubo
Kiriko Kubo was born in Tokyo and made her debut as a cartoonist in
1982. After the huge success of eCynical Hysterie Hourf and eImadoki
no kodomof (eChildren Nowadaysf), Kiriko has gone on to direct short
animation films, design CD and book covers, and write essays, childrenfs
books and many other manga comics, including eBuckets de Gohanf (animated
for television in 1996) and eDobutsu uranaif (1999). Kiriko has been
living in London for the last 11 years and continues to publish widely
in Japan. Recently published books include eHime Mamaf (ePrincess
mother-in-lawf) volumes one (2007) and two (2008) and eKuru Kuru Cynicalf
Works in The UK
I created a set of images
for Evelina Children's
Hospital, which is a
part of St Thomas' Hospital
in London. Click here
to find out more and
see some photos: ihttps://kubokiri.com/soko/?illustration=3738j