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Kiriko Kubo was born in Tokyo and made her debut as a cartoonist (manga-ka) in the early 1980s. After the huge success of ‘Cynical Hysterie Hour’ and ‘Imadoki no kodomo’, Kiriko has gone on to direct short animation films, design CD and book covers, write essays, children’s books and many other manga comics, including ‘Buckets de Gohan’ (animated for television in 1996) and ‘Dobutsu uranai’ (1999). Retrospective exhibitions of her work were held in Tokyo, Yokohama and Kyoto in 2001. Recently published books include her collected essays about life in London, ‘Boku wa Ron-don’ (2012), and a series of digitalized editions of her earlier work (2011-2014).”Eigo Michi” started in(Hakusensha) in 2015.

Kiriko has been living in London for more than 20 years and continues to publish widely in Japan. Her work has been exhibited at the Japanese Embassy in London, and she has given talks at the ICA and other venues, including the universities of Manchester, Brighton and Aberdeen. In 2006 she appeared on Melvyn Bragg’s South Bank Show special on Japanese manga. Kiriko has also worked on a series of design projects for hospitals in the UK, including the Evelina Children’s Hospital (2013) and the Dental Centre (Children’s Dentistry & Orthodontics) at St Thomas’ Hospital (2014). An English translation of two of her best-known series of manga, ‘Cynical Hysterie Hour’ and ‘Children Nowadays’, are now available as e-books.

She has recently started two new comic series, ‘Kiriko no kobaran no komichi’ (Kiriko’s Foodie Alley) in Melody and ‘Kurumarete Christina’ (Christina’s Snuggly Snack Bar) in Hanatsubaki.

Works in The UK I created a set of images for Evelina Children’s Hospital, which is a part of St Thomas’ Hospital in London. Click here to find out more and see some photos: CLICK HERE >>


You can see kiriko’s original artworks on Mangakia.
Future cities : Rome, Italy (Oct 2017 – Jan 2018) and Nantes, France (Jun – Sep 2018)
See more “MANGASIA” website>>


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